1. Key Stakeholder Consultation
- A range of key stakeholders were invited to participate in consultation to inform the socio-economic and tourism assessment. This included national and regional representative organisations as well as local authority officers and community council representatives within the socio-economics local study areas and the Tourism local study area. Invitations were issued to 58 organisations in total, with 15 organisations participating during the course of the process. Stakeholders were initially invited via email to book a one hour slot at their own convenience. Those stakeholders who did not initially respond were followed up with further emails and phone calls (where phone numbers were available) in an attempt to secure their input.
- Table 1.1 Open ▸ summarises the participation of each invited stakeholder organisation.
Table 1.1: Socio-Economics and Tourism Stakeholder Consultation Participation
2. Community Consultation
- During the course of the project’s development thus far, The Applicant has conducted four community consultation events. The approach to advertising each consultation events is summarised in Table 2.1 Open ▸ .
Table 2.1: Community Consultation Events Advertising Approach